What is entropion?
This refers to the condition where the upper and/or lower eyelids roll inward, which leads to the eyelashes rubbing against the cornea. Your pet will usually appear to have wet ‘Blinky’ sore eyes.
Commonly affected pets
We commonly see this condition in breeds such as Rottweilers, Malamutes, Mastiffs and the Shar Pei, and it usually appears with the outer eyelashes of the lower eyelids rolling inwards – though in Shar Pei puppies, we often find that the entropion of the upper eyelid will self-correct as the puppy continues to grow. In these cases, we manage the issue with anti-inflammatory or antibiotic eye ointments and occasionally place sutures to hold the upper lids away from the cornea for a month or two. Additionally, older cats and pugs are also susceptible to entropion, though with Pugs the entropion often appears at inner and near the nose are (medial) of the lower eyelids.
The need for treatment
Unfortunately, when left untreated, entropion will lead to scarring of the cornea and eventually partial or complete blindness. The condition will also cause marked discomfort 24/7 for your pet until it is treated.

Treatment method
We treat entropion through surgery performed under general anaesthetic, which can take anywhere between 20 to 45 minutes, depending on whether one or both eyes will need to be treated. We make an incision along the length of the eyelid to ensure the eye is symmetrical (given the curvature of the eye). Due to the incision placement, it is difficult to see any scar in the long term. We have also found that it is rarely necessary to shave any hair from the eye area – meaning owners don’t have to wait for months for the appearance of their pet to return to normal.

Treatment cost
We have performed over 600 of these procedures! We charge from $1,400 - $1,900 for both eyes.
Optional pre-anaesthetic blood test available for all surgeries (additional cost)
Recovery and after-care
You can take your pet home with you following the procedure, along with antibiotics, pain relief and eye ointment. Your pet will need to wear a cone until the suture removal – which occurs 14 days after the surgery – to ensure they don’t rub at their eyes with their paw or on the carpet. Their eyes will take some weeks to heal completely, but within a month they will be back to normal! We have also found that you will likely see a change in the behaviour of your pet, as they are no longer in discomfort and pain.

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Since childhood, Dr. Plummer has been passionate about caring for animals, and graduated with Honours in a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Queensland. He opened the Brisbane Pet Surgery with the aim of making quality pet care affordable for everyone.
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